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Off-Road Adventure Ready

Offroad Scooters

Primed for wider dimensions and enhanced off-road capabilities, the NAVEE Offroad Series is your ideal adventure companion.

Uncover the Product Highlights

NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i
NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i
NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i

The Ultimate Urban SUV Adventure

NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i
Max. Range up to 65km

Powered by long-lasting battery & automotive-grade energy recovery system.

NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i
1000W Max. Power

The motor peak power of 1000W provides climbing angle up to 24%.

NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i NAVEE Electric Scooter N65i
Wider Dimensions for Off-road Excellence

Off-road size and standard wheel providing superior stability and control on any terrain.

NAVEE Has Received Positive Media Reviews

Smart world

"Alla prova su strada, NAVEE S60 si comporta bene su qualsiasi tipo di tracciato. Va alla grande sull'asfalto, se la cava su terra battuta e pavè, riesce a superare senza troppo sforzo brevi tratti di ghiaia o altri terreni sconnessi."


"Uno dei punti di forza del Navee S40 è senza dubbio il sistema di sospensioni, che garantisce un comfort di guida superiore rispetto alla concorrenza. Il monopattino monta infatti il doppio sistema ShockMaster, con una forcella anteriore e un ammortizzatore posteriore a molla, in grado di assorbire efficacemente le asperità della strada: abbiamo guidato in tratti dove radici e buche rovinano l’asfalto e dobbiamo dire che il monopattino ha retto molto bene."


"I due nuovi prodotti risultano ideali sia per l’uso in città sia per un po’ di fuoristrada grazie alla tecnologia innovativa delle sospensioni anteriori e posteriori e ai motori progettati appositamente che garantiscono una rapida accelerazione affiancata alla capacità di far fronte a salite difficoltose. "


"Le Navee S60 répond aux attentes en termes de puissance et de confort pour des trajets urbains ou des excursions plus longues. Avec un prix de lancement assez agressif, Navee continue de proposer des solutions intéressantes dans le domaine de la mobilité urbaine. "


"Embarquant une grande batterie et misant sur des roues larges, la Navee N65i se veut être le SUV des trottinettes électriques, et ce malgré l’absence de suspension. Frandroid a pu la découvrir à Paris."

20 Minutes

"Positionné à 699 euros, son prix est, comme elle, assez agressif. Souple, agile, sécurisée et sécurisante, avec un vrai sens de la chaussée parisienne, cette machine a de quoi monter sur le podium des déplacements à privilégier durant les JO."


"Compte tenu de sa conception et de son design, vous comprendrez rapidement que la S60 n’est pas une trottinette électrique qui s’adresse aux utilisateurs dont la priorité sera d’acheter un compagnon de route facile à plier ou léger à porter pour gravir quelques marches, par exemple, dans une utilisation multimodale."

HD motori

"Grazie alla rigidità generale, Navee 40 si guida molto bene e affronta senza problemi anche piccoli gradini, buche o disconnessioni del manto stradale."


"COMODOSO La caratteristica più interessante del Navee S65C è il sistema a doppie sospensioni, anteriori e posteriori, che dovrebbero renderlo particolarmente comodo sulle strade tutt’altro che liscie delle nostre città. Al comfort di marcia contribuiscono anche la pedana particolarmente larga, con un comodo rivestimento in gomma, e le due ruote da 10” tubeless. Al loro interno si trova anche un liquido che - in caso di microforature - si occupa di “tappare” i buchi senza perdita di aria."

Press Citron

"En définitive, la Navee S60 s’impose comme une option intéressante pour ceux qui recherchent une trottinette électrique performante et au look unique. Elle ne révolutionne pas le genre, mais apporte une touche d’originalité bienvenue dans le marché."

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FAQ About Electric Mobility for NAVEE

  • Q: How to ride the scooter?

    A: First stand on the pedal with one foot, push the other foot back, step on the deck with both feet and keep balance, and lightly press the accelerator to accelerate. It is recommended to ride at a constant speed, and never accelerate or brake suddenly. Note: The electric scooter will only start working when it is in the gliding state and the speed reaches 5km/h.

  • Q: What are the requirements for riding a scooter?

    A: NAVEE electric scooter V-Series is suitable for age between 16 to 50 years old, height 120cm to 200cm and the maximum payload is 120kg. Prohibited to ride after drinking and do not ride after taking drug which may affect your judgment.

  • Q: How to switch riding modes?

    A: Short press the power button twice in a row to switch the different riding modes. The maximum speed of pedestrian mode is 6km/h, the maximum speed of standard mode (D) is 20km/h, and the maximum speed under sports mode (S) is 25km/h. Please do not switch riding mode when you are riding the scooter. Note: Based on the regulations of different countries, the maximum speed of D and S modes may be different from the above description. Please refer to the local laws and regulations for more details.

  • Q: How to use the energy recovery function?

    A: While riding the scooter, when you twist the brake lever or release the accelerator to slide, energy recovery will be initiated, and part of the kinetic energy will be converted into electrical energy for storage and reuse. Energy recovery can increase endurance and at the same time it provides braking effect. When using it for the first time, it is recommended to set the level to “Weak”. After connecting to the Navee APP, scroll down to the bottom of the main interface of the product, you can set the energy recovery intensity, the default setting is set to weak, but you can choose the three strengths for e.g. weak, medium and strong.

  • Q: What are the typical range of NAVEE electric scooters?

    A: Every model has a different mileage range which can be checked in specific model user manual. But the typical rang is usually measured under full charge, when there is no wind and at 25℃, at constant speed of 15km/h on a flat surface with a payload of 75kg. The real endurance may vary with load, ambient temperature, air speed, pavement, tire pressure, battery cycle index, riding mode, and user’s operation habit (sudden acceleration & deceleration or not), etc.

  • Q: How to find the unique QR code for the scooter?

    A: The unique QR code of the vehicle is necessary when connecting to the NAVEE APP. This QR code can be obtained in the following ways; After connecting to the APP, go to the scooter homepage/main interface of the APP: [More functions] – [Settings] – [Vehicle QR code], view QR code and save a screenshot. The vehicle QR code can be obtained by checking the sticker on the back side of dashboard, the right-side area of the deck, and the back cover of the manual.

  • Q: How to use lock function in NAVEE App?

    A: After sliding the lock button on the NAVEE APP, the vehicle will enter into motor lock state, and will automatically shut down after 24 hours. The motor will remain locked when it is turned on again. If you push the vehicle in the locked state, the dashboard will emit an alarm sound, and the vehicle button operation will be invalid. This function is unable to prevent the vehicle from being stolen, so please take care of the vehicle properly. Using the lock function will consume the battery of the scooter, so please use this function reasonably.

  • Q: Why does the brightness change on the dashboard?

    A: When the headlights is turned on, the dashboard display brightness will become dim, and when the headlight is turned off, the dashboard display will restore back to its original brightness.

  • Q: Why does the temperature icon flash on the dashboard?

    A: When the thermometer icon flashes on the dashboard it indicates that the battery temperature is too high or too low. In this case, the scooter acceleration will be weaker, which might cause the scooter to be unable to ride or recharged. Try to use it or recharge it when it recovers back to normal working temperature zone.

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